Greetings SCERJers!  For our next meeting we will be discussing Prince 2004 dealing with Problem-Based Learning and some of the issues that can/do arise from PBL.  We look forward to see everyone on Tuesday (10/2) @ 1pm in RRC 4052!

Paper Link


Teacher Knowledge and Student Misconceptions

We hope everyone will be able to join us for tomorrow's (9/24) discussion of Sadler et al - "Teacher Knowledge Correlated with Student's Learning".  This paper was suggested by Dr. Spell and discusses teacher knowledge in terms of student misconceptions and addressing them properly.

As always, we will be meeting in RRC 4052 @ 1p!

Paper link


Misconceptions discussion - Sept 17

Misconceptions!  They are everywhere...  How do we help our students overcome them?

On Tuesday (9/17) we will be discussing Maskiewicz et al. "Misconcpetions are "so Yesterday!"", also we will discuss the AAAS Project 2061 data on misconceptions in K-12 students and how these issues may be in our classrooms as well.  See you there!

Tuesday September 17 at 1 pm in Rollins Research Center 4052

Paper Link:

Accessing AAAS Project 2061 data

Located here:
Click on any topic and you’ll get a list of specific key ideas, questions that students were asked and the frequency of correct answers, and specific misconceptions students have and the frequencies thereof.  For example:
                Topic: human body systems
                Key idea:  Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and molecules from food are carried to or from cells of the body by means of the circulatory system.
                Misconceptions:  Air is distributed through the body in air tubes (believed by 39% of 9th-12th graders)
Thanks to everyone for a great turn out for our inaugural SCERJ meeting on Tuesday (9/3).  For next Tuesday, Sept 10 we will be discussing:

Hrepic, Z., Zollman, D., & Rebello, S. (2007). Comparing students’ and experts’ understanding of the content of a lecture. Journal of Science Education and Technology,  16(3), 213-224.

The article can also be found here
This paper relates to a best-case scenario for lecturing, where students listen to an excellent lecture on video (and can replay the video) while they try to answer some questions that the lecture covers.  Sadly, this proves difficult.  (We last read this paper in December 2008.)

We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday (9/10) @ 1p in RRC 4052.

Welcome to a new semester of SCERJ!

Hello SCERJers!  Welcome to a new semester!  This semester we will be meeting on Tuesdays @ 1p starting September 3rd in RRC 4052.

To find RRC 4052 - This is 1510 Clifton Rd., the Rollins Research Center.  The conference room is right behind the elevators in the building – when you exit the elevator on the 4th floor, turn left twice to find the room.

For Sept 3rd we will be reading:  (found here)
Nicol, D and James Boyle.  "Peer Instruction versus Class-wide Discussion in Large Classes: a comparison of two interaction methods in the wired classroom"  Studies in Higher Education 28:4, 2003.